回国后一直继续关注“单位”,并且时常惊异于这些在中国的老外对中国文化的涉猎之广和了解之深。几年来我和这个网站的Joel Martinsen老师零零散散地通过几次英文电子邮件,最近一次聊的是网络文学,Joel想让我给他介绍几个关于当代中国网络文学的网站,结果聊着聊着就发现,这位老外对Chinese Netlit的了解程度绝对要比我深,他提了几个国内不错的网络文学作家,我基本都没听说过,结果反倒是Joel给我上了一课。
“单位”网每年评选一次“单位劳模奖”(The Danwei Model Worker Award),借以大力表彰那些有特色的、牛逼的国内网站。今年,“读写人”网站光荣入选“单位2010劳模”。
Joel在“单位”上贴了一篇介绍“读写人”的文章,其中也提到了我的博客。“单位”网在去年被墙(F**k the GFW),可能现在国内的读者打不开这个网站,在此转帖一下这篇文章,原文链接是:http://www.danwei.org/blogs/a_guide_to_book_reviews_in_chi.php
Duxieren is an aggregator of book reviews and literary criticism. Launched in October 2008, it collects essays from China's major newspaper book supplements (The Beijing News, Southern Metropolis Daily, and Oriental Morning Post) as well as posts by a range of lit bloggers, from Huang Jiwei to Sun Zhongxu to Berlin Fang.
Although Duxieren is a decent source of criticism on Chinese literature, posts on foreign literature seem to make up a majority of the content the site aggregates. Book supplements tend to have a cosmopolitan outlook, and a number of the book bloggers are translators themselves, so the site is a convenient way to get a sense of how international literature and culture is being received in urban China.
Duxieren is maintained by Bimuyu (比目鱼), whose own blog features book reviews, calligraphy, and short fiction.
Particularly amusing is a series of fictional reviews written in 2007 and 2008. The non-existent books up for review poke fun at trends in subject matter and cover design within the publishing industry, and the reviews are entertaining commentaries on the medium itself as well as various issues in contemporary society.
For a taste, here's the conclusion of a review of The Art of Road Crossing (subtitled: "How Not to be a Laowai in China"):
After finishing The Art of Road Crossing, I could not help but gasp in admiration: a laowai who has observed so subtly and accurately the philosophy of life and rules of behavior of the Chinese people is nothing short of amazing. Reading this book may benefit the Chinese reader as well: who can say that they themselves have a complete command of "the art of road crossing?"
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比目鱼:是金子在哪儿都闪光,ADD OIL,COME ON!